Management, Team, & Employee Assessments in Denver & Throughout Colorado
Accomplishing your company’s goals is only possible when your talent understands the work they do and is equipped to do it. As your company grows and evolves, employees’ understanding of the work they perform can shift. But as these shifts occur, it’s important to ensure everyone keeps aligned with overall objectives and for management to stay abreast of these changes. NewSummit offers top-of-the-line employee evaluation tools to reduce turnover, develop talent in your existing workforce, and identify talent gaps and critical skills. Contact us to learn more about which assessment options might be right for your organization.
DiSC® Assessments
From Catalyst to AgileEQ, use the full suite of DiSC® assessment tools to help your employees understand and improve their work styles.
- Workplace
- AgileEQ
- Management
- Sales

Job Fit and Pre-Hire
Set performance benchmarks, measure applicant values, identify existing talent gaps, and leverage employee strengths.
- PXT® Select
- Step One Survey
- Reduce hiring risks
- Assess work ethic

CheckPoint 360
Promote the daily success of your organization and set a path to accomplish larger goals by assessing your managers.
- Evaluate leadership
- Implement employee feedback
- Improve job performance
- Develop critical skills

Team Assessments
Build a framework for collaboration to promote growth and reduce project costs, miscommunication, and conflict.
- Five Behaviors® for Cohesive Teams
- Five Behaviors® for Personal Development
- Improve employee behavior & mentality
- Drive results through teamwork